November 2023

Chairman’s Letter 

 Dear Members – welcome to our first Newsletter for quite a while!  We’ve put together some information about the Club that you may find useful, especially if you are one of our new members (in which case I would like to extend my own very warm welcome!).
We’ve had a busy year again, with new Coaching and another excellent internal Championship – so do have a read.   We are *always* interested in hearing from people who are wiling to help out with the running of the Club – whether it be a spot of Gardening or some Website content updates – so don’t be shy – if you’re interested please get in touch!
In the meantime, I look forward to meeting many of you at the Dinner on November 16th which promises to be a delightful occasion!
Marcus Binning, Chairman


The longer standing members will notice that this is the first newsletter we’ve produced for several years – there is lots of information on our website but the Committee thinks there’s also a place for a regular newsletter as well.  We would therefore welcome any member who would like to produce a newsletter, in conjunction with the Committee – please contact either Karen or Marcus if you’d like to find out what’s involved.

Court bookings 

Please remember to cancel any court bookings you no longer need – there was a glitch in the website software which prevented you from doing this  – it’s now been resolved, so cancellations should work as normal. Any queries please contact 

Gala dinner 16th November 🥂

We’re so looking forward to seeing some of you at this year’s Gala dinner – tickets have sold very quickly!  There are a few left so please order yours now if you’d like to come as we need to get final numbers to Orwells shortly. Deadline is midnight on 5th November.  It should be a great evening!

New members

We’ve been lucky enough to welcome many new members to Shiplake this year! Below are the lists of each category – Welcome to you all!


Helen Burling

David Carlsson

Kirsty Clarke

Malcolm Cooper

John Cooper

Juliette Cottam

Stuart Edwards

Charlie, Mandy and Imogen Ferber

Fede Gonzalez-Bergez

Laura Haldane

Richard Hodgkins

Louise Holland

Grainne Keogh

Victoria Lee

Sally Markham

Ashley Marrison

Ian & Jo McKnight

John Murdoch

James O’Brien

Emmy Paice

Sarah Penny

Anne Sawbridge

Matt Stone

Miriam Stroud

Matt Tams

Jessica Turner

Louise Veltman


Emilia & Leo Belk

Thomas Broomfield

Harry Carlsson

Joseph Cawthorne

Zack Cook

Lilia & Noah Cottam

Adam Cowley

Adam Craig

Maya Curran

Zachary & Joseph de Haan

Rosie Doble

Alessandro Dubina

Ollie Ewens

Julius & Anton Gertsmann

Hollie Goodchild

Freddie Lewis

Wilf MacDonald

Mia & Noah Moore

Oliver Nazzari

Harrison & Bella Nethersole

Martha Parvin

Leo Poupel

Annika Ryan

Angus Smith

Sebastian Speirs

Alex Stronach

Sophia Tams

Fred Thomas

Bea Thornton

Ava Turner

Izzy Wooldridge


Will Frood

Annabelle Roberts

Mia Wooldridge

Your Committee

As most of you will be aware, the club is run by a Committee of volunteers, all of whom work very hard on all our behalf to keep the club running smoothly.  Minutes of the meetings can be found on the website.

Marcus BinningChair
Jenny Berger aka MoneypennySecretary
Jane Sharples aka MoneybagsTreasurer
Rachel RichardsonMinister without Portfolio
Karen Peters aka MoneymakerMembership Secretary
John ChurchMinister without Portfolio

There is a vacancy for a Social Secretary.  We haven’t arranged many social events this year, apart from Finals Day and the Gala dinner, as we have no-one to take on the work involved.  If you would like to be involved and join us we can promise you’ll receive lots of help and advice as to what has been done in the past – there’s also lots of scope for you to introduce your own ideas.  Please get in touch! Thank you.

Health and Safety Officer 👷‍♂️

There’s also a vacancy on the Committee for a H & S officer.  I’m sure you’ll all agree that Nick Wrigley is a very hard act to follow – he did a superb job especially during Covid and we all miss him hugely! If you’re interested in keeping H & S matters up to date in the club please contact Marcus who will be very happy to chat through the role.

Gardening 🌿

We no longer employ gardeners as the Committee felt that keeping the club tidy could be taken on by volunteers rather than using our precious funds to pay for gardeners,  We’re looking for volunteers to keep the weeds down, cut the grass, cut the hedge, sweep the deck and generally keep the club premises looking good.  If this is something you could help with please get in touch with Marcus who is compiling a rota.  Many hands make light work!

Coaching 🎾

I’m sure you’ve all met Chris Ovenden, our wonderful new coach, who has done a great job revitalising the coaching at Shiplake.  He runs several group sessions and is also available for individual lessons as well as pairs and fours.  Please get in touch with Chris at if you’re interested in coaching – details of current courses can be found on our website. 

Teams 👫

Team captains are always on the lookout for new squad members – if you’re interested in playing in the teams and would like more information about what’s involved or an informal chat please contact Mens Team Captain Richard Ormerod at or Ladies Team Captain Nikki Botterill at who would be delighted to hear from you. 

Membership Secretary 📋

After more years than I care to remember, I will be standing down as Membership Secretary at the AGM in March 2024. For those who rightly say I’ve threatened to retire before, this time I am serious and will be going whether or not a replacement can be found!  It’s a busy job around renewal time in late December/early January, but the rest of the year the role involves answering queries and processing applications from new members as well as welcoming them to the club and showing them around.  I can honestly say I have thoroughly enjoyed my time on the Committee – it’s a great way to get to know other members and to play a part in the running of our wonderful tennis club!  Do get in touch if you’d like to chat – it would be great to get someone in post soon so we can do the renewals together.  Thank you!

Clubhouse Noticeboard 

Please ask a member of the Committee before putting anything on the clubhouse noticeboard.  Thank you.

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